September’s Apple Event

 Apple Event

I’ve watched these events with a sense of excitement, anticipation and a fair dose of Apple fanboy joy over the years.

From the live blogs to the live streams that they now broadcast, there have been memorable presentations, notably in 2007 when Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone.

What seems to have happened, for me at least, is that they are now always very predictable.

The same language, the same format and at times, content which seems, well… kinda’ boring.

I’ll still be tuning in on the 10th, but I long for something revolutionary, or a new category or something so left field, (and not leaked) that will make us smile and reach for that Apple Card.

Surely they’ve got some surprises left for us in the next few years?

CARE Marketing





There are many definitions of marketing, most of them being way too complex.

I’m starting to look at marketing as CARE, the acronym made of the words listed above.

First and foremost, you need people to be curious about what you do, what you sell and the problem you can solve.

Secondly, you must create action for them to take the next step. Perhaps this is signing up for a newsletter or ask for a conversation.

You then need to treat a prospect and indeed, a client, with respect. Provide value, don’t assume and say thank you.

Last but not least, create energy for change.

See, it’s not complex, but so many brands, companies, and organisations get this wrong. Do you care enough?


Don’t be afraid to take some time out once in a while and assess what you are doing and, where you are going.

It’s very easy to be on auto-pilot.

Tweaking aspects of your life and work are essential to living a happier and more fulfilling life.

An easy way to do this is using a notebook, journal or app. Write down what you enjoy the most and also, what you dislike. Then work out how you can do more of the former and less of the latter. Ideally, cut out the latter completely.

If you don’t assess (and tweak), you will never change.